Tag Archives: arctic

Arctic project winners announced …

Students in Team 4 – 7 finalized their Arctic projects. As part of our Period IV studies, artic21students created in-depth projects. Read more about their work, here>>

Eight student projects were chosen as the top winners.  They won t-shirts for their projects.  All other students were awarded certificates and stickers as goo patrons of the environment. The winners are shown here:

arctic22Selime Dey, NOR 4/5 student, went even further and wrote in an editorial to the Norwegian newspaper, Aftenposten Junior.

Congratulations to the winners and to Selime.

Great efforts speaking up for our environment!

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Filed under Scandinavian education, SSB information

“Saving the Arctic” with Class 4 – 7

As a Period IV project, classes 4 – 7 have been studying the Arctic and the environmental challenges in this climate.  After a visit from HUB students in April (read about this visit here), every student has completed their own project telling about this part of our world.

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I Love Arctic 

Students have also participated in an image campaign for

environmental awareness

– “I love the Artic”

by creating a human banner 

To further our understanding of the Arctic region, we had a guest lecturer, Kim artic3Melsens – from GreenPeace.  During her lecture, we learned about the science behind what is happening in the Arctic region, as well as what we can do in our own environment to improve the situation.  Students were very attentive, asked good questions, and actively debated different solutions.

Visit the project exhibition in room 205 on Sunday during SSB Day to learn more!

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Filed under Scandinavian education, SSB information